Project: Coloma Community Schools

Design Firm: Tower Pinkster – Kalamazoo

Lighting Designer: Ryan Schwartz

By stretching the office and band/choir addition across the front facade of the building, Tower Pinkster created a new image for the school.  This addition provided a new office area and a secure point of entry.  Additionally, the design team reworked the core of the building by carving out additional space for a new, larger auditorium and new cafeteria.  The auditorium contains custom moving and rotating acoustical panels which allow the space to accommodate both theatrical and musical performances.

The lighting design criteria was straight forward on this project.  Clean lines, LED, and efficient affordable fixtures. For this the office used the HP4D fixture from Finelite.  The auditorium house lighting and band room was done using the EVO series of cylinders from Gotham.  For the lab area Finelite Series 12 I/D LED was the fixture of choice.

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