Project: Kalamazoo Culinary Arts Center

Design Firm: Tower Pinkster – Kalamazoo

Lighting Designer: Shane Evens

Description: As part of the Arcadia Collaborative, Tower Pinkster worked with KVCC in order to bring the Culinary and Allied Health Building to the new Bronson Healthy Living Campus.  The building focuses on the interconnection of the college\’s Food and Health Studies programs.  The Culinary Arts program focuses on healthy outcomes and the impact food can make on a community, while the Allied Health program focuses on real-world experience for EMT, respiratory care and nursing students.

Lighting Design Statement: Playing off the architectural elements, crisp and narrow linear LED fixtures were used throughout the majority of the building.  The lighting provides for a clean and modern look thata helps express the culture at the KVCC Culinary and Allied Health facility.  Recessed and pendent fixtures are placed at varying heights and randomized locations and angles in key spaces to help provide visual interest, accentuate architectural elements and to assist in way-finding.

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